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Private Practice Leaflet
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Welcome to the Website of Dr Hisham Maksoud
MB BCh BAO LRCP & SI (NUI) FRCP (Edinburgh) FRCP (London) FACE MD
I am a Consultant in Diabetes, Endocrinology, Metabolism and General Internal Medicine at the BMI Park Hospital, Lincoln BMI Hospital and The Nuffield Hospitals. After graduating from the Royal College of Surgeons Dublin, I gained significant clinical experience in both Diabetes and Endocrinology at the Oxford Teaching Hospitals.
I have a specialist interest in Thyroid disease, PCOS, hirsuitism, diabetes, obesity and endocrine disease.
For a list of current clinics see the Biography page, or to arrange an appointment, please click here.
The purpose of my website is to inform visitors to my site about my current clinical practice, experience, training and research interests.
Private Practice
The Park Hospital
Sherwood Lodge Drive
Burnstump Country Park
Arnold Nottinghamshire
Tel: 0115 966 2137
Fax: 0115 926 5360